Research, mapping, and data analytics
Through our research efforts and economic analysis, we aim to provide a better understanding of the forces and trends affecting rural America as we help communities chart a path to opportunity and prosperity through the tech economy.

Visualizing rural opportunities
Our research and rural economic analysis efforts are rooted in the belief that for small towns and communities to thrive, rural leaders need access to data and information that will influence their efforts and tech economy strategies.
Rural America has undergone seismic changes in the last 20 years and we are committed to using data to ensure there is available research that reflects this evolution and the opportunities that accompany it.
Working with rural data
Data for rural places is notoriously hard to find and use. Without data visualizations, maps or even raw data in an accessible form, economic development directors with small staffs often struggle to contextualize their region’s economic assets. This can be particularly challenging when making decisions about investments, strategies and grant opportunities.
This data gap also means that policymakers and philanthropists find it difficult to understand the vast and varied geography that is rural America. And because comprehensive data is unavailable, the media is often forced to rely on anecdotes when discussing rural issues, unintentionally contributing to narratives that do not reflect the full complexity of rural America.
Our approach
We recognize the critical importance of making data and research both available and accessible to community leaders, among others. With philanthropic support, we began to build data-driven maps, tools, and other resources that highlight rural America’s opportunities and challenges.
In developing these resources, we hope not just to make data about rural communities accessible, but also to broaden the conversation and change the narrative about what’s possible in rural America. In collaboration with our funders and partners, our team of seasoned economists, researchers, analysts and software engineers works with rural data to create a larger picture and updated view of what is driving change in small towns and communities across the country.