Members of CORI's broadband and research teams present the new Broadband Climate Risk Mitigation Tool during a webinar for the National Broadband Resource Hub held on Aug. 31, 2023.
Looking for a toolkit to inform your rural digital economy ecosystem strategies? Hoping to better visualize the challenges facing rural communities? Explore our evolving library of resources.

Partners from the National Broadband Resource Hub share what they do and don't know about the FCC’s new broadband mapping and data collection process in a webinar recorded on Oct. 21, 2022.
This event, held on June 2, 2022, includes a presentation of research findings about the tech employment landscape of rural America and a panel discussion with leaders engaged in tech talent development and staffing in Statesboro, Georgia.
This event, held on Feb. 17, 2022, includes a discussion of research about trends and factors affecting rural economic development, as well as a conversation about strategies some communities have employed to find success.
The Center on Rural Innovation (CORI) hosts regular introductory sessions for people looking to learn more about its Rural Innovation Initiative, a program that supports rural community leaders as they develop digital economy strategies.
The Center on Rural Innovation (CORI) and Rural Innovation Strategies, Inc (RISI) have put together a series of webinars about the value of tech-based economy ecosystem building in rural America. This webinar focuses on rural tech entrepreneurs.