Different examples of CORI-led placemaking projects intended to support rural innovation district development in three rural communities.
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Meet the rural change agents, instigators, and leaders in Marquette, Michigan, who are doing the work to prove that tech jobs, innovation, and tech entrepreneurship can happen anywhere.
Meet the rural change agents, instigators, and leaders in Ada, Oklahoma, who are doing the work to prove that tech jobs, innovation, and tech entrepreneurship can happen anywhere.
Meet the rural change agents, instigators, and leaders in Pine Bluff, Arkansas, who are doing the work to prove that tech jobs, innovation, and tech entrepreneurship can happen anywhere.
This event, held on June 2, 2022, includes a presentation of research findings about the tech employment landscape of rural America and a panel discussion with leaders engaged in tech talent development and staffing in Statesboro, Georgia.
This event, held on Feb. 17, 2022, includes a discussion of research about trends and factors affecting rural economic development, as well as a conversation about strategies some communities have employed to find success.