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The rise of remote work: how remote work is shifting the geography <span class="dewidow">of jobs</span>
The rise of remote work: how remote work is shifting the geography of jobs

The COVID-19 pandemic has fundamentally reshaped the way we live and work. One of the most significant changes has been the dramatic rise in remote work, allowing workers to decouple where they live from their employer’s location. This shift has impl

How Place-Based Philanthropy is Driving Tech-Based Economic Development in <span class="dewidow">Rural America</span>
How Place-Based Philanthropy is Driving Tech-Based Economic Development in Rural America

With historic federal investments in broadband infrastructure and a growing recognition of the potential for tech-based economies, the question is no longer if rural regions can participate in the tech economy—but how.

Alabama’s Broadband Model for the Nation: A Story of Leadership, Legislative Initiative, and <span class="dewidow">Strategic Investment</span>
Alabama’s Broadband Model for the Nation: A Story of Leadership, Legislative Initiative, and Strategic Investment

Alabama has become a national model for state initiative and success in broadband policy and strategy, showcasing the effectiveness of early planning, substantial executive and legislative support, and strategic use of federal funds.