
This article originally appeared on the Benton Institute for Broadband and Society’s Digital Beat.

Alabama has become a national model for state initiative and success in broadband policy and strategy, showcasing the effectiveness of early planning, substantial executive and legislative support, and strategic use of federal funds. Since 2017, Alabama leaders have consistently acted on the vision of a connected state, supporting and funding broadband initiatives designed to reach every community, from population centers to the state’s rural Black Belt. Alabama has created a lasting blueprint for digital access and economic opportunity through shared vision and effort among the legislature, Governor Kay Ivey’s office, and the agency tasked with execution of the state’s broadband plans, the Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs (ADECA).

This effective government commitment, combined with ongoing partnership with the private sector, has led to remarkable gains across several key areas since the Alabama legislature and Gov. Ivey kickstarted Alabama’s rural broadband efforts in 2017. For example, according to the Federal Communications Commission, the percentage of Alabama residents without access to high-speed internet decreased from 16 percent in 2017 to 6 percent in 2024. Average download speeds also saw notable improvement, rising from 70 Mbps in 2017 to approximately 130 Mbps in 2024, according to broadband data firm Ookla. Similarly, Ookla demonstrates that average upload speeds doubled from 15 to 30 Mbps between 2017 and 2024.

Strong Legislative Commitment to Broadband Expansion

Since 2017, Alabama’s legislature has taken a proactive approach, enacting laws and allocating funds to support broadband deployment statewide. This forward-thinking strategy predates many federal initiatives, demonstrating the state’s recognition of broadband’s importance in building a 21st-century economy.

Indeed, the state of Alabama was deeply involved in broadband expansion and innovation several years before the COVID-19 pandemic led to new federal funding and attention to the issues. Legislators consistently passed bills that incentivized internet service providers to extend their infrastructure into underserved areas, and encouraging public-private partnerships to reduce costs. State legislation has laid the groundwork for future efforts and success, including by establishing a dedicated fund for broadband projects; prioritizing rural areas for infrastructure investments; providing funding for development of a robust statewide broadband map; directing development of extensive plans; and creating the Alabama Digital Expansion Authority to work with ADECA on future initiatives.

All this legislation—and resulting efforts—laid the groundwork for leveraging federal programs effectively. When federal funds became available through multiple programs—including the Broadband, Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) and Capital Project Fund (CPF) programs—Alabama was positioned to act swiftly. With robust plans and legislation in place, the state was able to secure $1.4 billion in BEAD funding and $191 million in CPF funding to address broadband gaps throughout rural Alabama. This preparation allowed Alabama to implement its digital expansion projects without delay and based on thoughtful, deliberative plans and extensive data.

Strategic Planning and Data-Driven Broadband Investment

ADECA has used data as a critical element in translating legislative initiatives into action. ADECA’s broadband planning process has been marked by the use of comprehensive mapping and data collection to identify underserved areas accurately. The mapping effort has also been notable for the extensive, willing participation of all of Alabama’s ISPs, who have shared data and input to enable the development of a robust informational resource. The Alabama Broadband Map, which provides address-level data on broadband access, has proven invaluable in ensuring that resources reach the areas in greatest need. This data-driven approach has enabled ADECA to support targeted projects that optimize the impact of both state and federal funds.

Similarly, ADECA has undertaken extensive effort to collect data regarding adoption and use of broadband, tracking key metrics over time at both the state and local levels. Beginning in 2020, during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, ADECA has conducted scientific surveys of Alabama households to determine whether and how Alabamians have access to broadband and what barriers exist to adoption.

With this detailed, data-driven understanding of broadband needs, Alabama has become adept at effectively using modest funding to build collaboration and partnerships. For example, with state funds and a grant from the federal Economic Development Authority, ADECA provided broadband technical assistance to 100% of Alabama counties, partnering with local leaders in every county and providing localized data, insights, and strategic guidance for improving broadband availability and digital opportunity. Similarly, ADECA developed a Digital Opportunity Plan in collaboration with community leaders that is based on data regarding challenges with broadband adoption and use. That plan helped secure federal funds to address the challenges identified by supporting efforts to increase use of the internet and to teach digital skills, cybersecurity, and internet literacy.

Impact on the Black Belt and Rural Economies

The prescient investments and commitments by Gov. Ivey and the legislature are projected to have a profound impact on the state’s rural areas by creating the infrastructure that allows small businesses to grow in rural America.

As the Center on Rural Innovation’s recent study revealed, broadband access can have a significant impact on rural areas in accessing economic opportunities. Rural counties with high broadband adoption rates have significant advantages over those with low usage, including 213 percent higher business growth, 10 percent higher self-employment growth, 44 percent higher GDP growth, and 18 percent higher per capita income growth. These findings show that broadband can become a transformative tool for rural economic development and higher utilization improves the economic dynamism of rural areas.

ADECA’s broadband plans project that its total broadband investment could directly create tens of thousands of jobs in coming years. Many of those jobs, and other economic impacts, will occur in Alabama’s Black Belt region. Indeed, a study by Auburn University estimates that broadband deployment in Alabama’s Black Belt region alone could have a $1.4 billion economic impact, supporting over 25,000 jobs.

Historically underserved, the Black Belt faces high poverty rates, limited healthcare access, and restricted educational resources. ADECA economic development impact analysis suggests that expanding broadband to these areas will be transformational in creating direct, indirect, and induced economic activity by enabling online learning, telemedicine, and remote work opportunities that were previously out of reach. These improvements are projected to drive economic revitalization in the Black Belt by helping local businesses connect to larger markets and enhancing access to essential services. Small businesses and entrepreneurs, who form the backbone of Alabama’s rural economy, will be able to leverage digital platforms to expand their reach and grow their operations.

Governor Ivey’s and the legislature’s investments are essential in bolstering the incredible work and impact of organizations like Opportunity Alabama as they re-energize local economies. Additionally, these efforts may also unlock the potential of ongoing economic development initiatives in the City of Selma and Chambers County, backed by Alabama Power and the Greenpoint Foundation, to change the economic story of what is possible in the Black Belt.

As Alabama’s efforts pay off, the Black Belt region’s newfound connectivity will also address significant healthcare disparities. Telemedicine, enabled by high-speed internet, allows rural residents to access specialized healthcare without traveling long distances. This will be especially important in rural areas with few healthcare facilities, where patients will have new opportunity to consult with physicians remotely, gaining timely diagnoses and medical advice. In these ways, broadband access is projected to be a catalyst for improving both quality of life and economic stability in the Black Belt.

Broadband’s Role in Enhancing Alabama’s Agricultural Sector

In addition to its impact on education, healthcare, and small business, broadband is critical to Alabama’s agricultural economy, an essential component of the state’s rural regions.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has found that precision agriculture, enabled by broadband, can increase farm yields by 3–10 percent and reduce input costs by 15–30 percent. With the new broadband capabilities that are being developed with state funding and leadership, Alabama farmers will be able to use advanced digital tools and data analytics for precision agriculture, allowing them to monitor crop conditions, soil health, and weather patterns in real time.  Alabama farmers will also be able to participate in online markets and connect with buyers directly, reducing reliance on intermediaries and increasing their share of profits. This will be particularly beneficial for family-owned farms, which are integral to Alabama’s agricultural heritage and economy.

ADECA’s targeted broadband expansion efforts have already made these tools and opportunities accessible to a greater number of farmers—and with the current funding efforts, these tangible benefits will be available to 100 percent of Alabama farms within five years.

Building Long-Term Resilience and Economic Growth Through Broadband

Alabama’s broadband initiatives contribute significantly to economic resilience by expanding workforce opportunities, enhancing public services, and creating a strong economy. High-speed internet enables Alabamians across the state to engage in remote work, participate in online job training, and start businesses that serve regional, national, or even global markets. This connectivity is essential for retaining skilled workers in rural areas, reducing the need for migration to urban centers, and stabilizing local economies. For communities long excluded from the digital economy, broadband provides a bridge to economic opportunity and social connectivity, ensuring that no region is left behind.

Governor Ivey’s leadership and the Alabama Legislature’s commitment to broadband expansion have laid the groundwork for a dynamic digital future. With continued investment in broadband infrastructure and strategic use of federal programs, Alabama is well-positioned to build on its achievements. Through intergovernmental and public-private collaboration, Alabama offers a model for how states can address the digital divide. The state’s successful planning, legislative support, and data-driven approach to broadband deployment showcase how a commitment to connectivity can transform an economy and improve quality of life for all residents.

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