Secretary Debbie Atuk

Debbie Atuk is an investment strategist focused on economic opportunities for Alaska Native corporations and other Native American clients. She has done this work as a consultant for Skyview Investment Advisors and independently for the Kootznoowoo Corporation, the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, and the Colville Tribal Federal Corporation.

Piraye Beim

Dr. Beim has been innovating in women’s health for over 20 years. During her Ph.D. work at Cornell and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in the early 2000s, she was on the front lines of precision medicine in oncology, including the transformational impact of genomics on drug target selection, biomarker-based patient stratification on the emergence of targeted therapies, and the corresponding improvement in the standard of care.

Jacob Martinez

In 2014, Jacob founded Digital NEST — a technology workforce development hub providing youth in rural communities with high-demand technology skills, mentoring, and hands-on experience so they can secure well-paying jobs. Prior, he spent nearly 10 years running a successful program funded by the National Science Foundation, encouraging underrepresented Latinos to study computer science. He is a 2020 recipient of the James Irvine Foundation “Leadership Award” and a 2018 Draper Richards Kaplan Foundation “Entrepreneur Fellow.”

Lee Rom headshot taken in an indoor setting.
Chairperson Lee Rom

Lee has spent 20-plus years with financial services firms and social enterprises at the startup, growth, and established stages. Today, she serves as a strategy and management executive at White Mountains Capital, a publicly traded financial services investment firm.

Jacob Smith

Jacob Smith is an entrepreneur and investor working primarily in digital infrastructure, sustainability, and open source.

Treasurer Tom Sperry

Tom Sperry focuses on launching businesses that create jobs and improve economic opportunity. He co-founded and is managing director of Rogue Venture Partners, a venture capital firm investing in historically under-capitalized regions.

Founder and Executive Director Matt Dunne

Matt is the founder and executive director of the Center on Rural Innovation, which he launched in 2017 to reverse the nation’s growing rural opportunity gap and create economic prosperity for small town residents across the country.