
About Cape Girardeau

Cape Girardeau, Missouri is a town of 40,000 perched on the banks of the Mississippi River. Rooted in education, Cape Girardeau is home to Southeast Missouri State University and Blanchard Elementary, a nationally recognized Blue Ribbon school. 

Two major medical centers, a small airport, and manufacturing facilities have propelled Cape Girardeau to be a regional hub between Memphis and St. Louis.

Community Partner

Today, Cape Girardeau is building a thriving and diverse entrepreneurial ecosystem, and at its heart is Codefi. Located in 17,000 square feet of the historic Marquette Tower, Codefi is a creative coworking space with a unique company culture and over 350 community members.

Since its inception, Codefi has supported 50 startups that have created 250 jobs, and has launched multiple initiatives to foster local job creation and tech-based entrepreneurship. These include Code Labs One, a coding training course; 1ST50K, a startup competition bringing entrepreneurs to Cape Girardeau; and the Youth Coding League, an after school program with a stimulating and competitive environment for students learning to code. 

Codefi also provides educational opportunities, entrepreneurial events, workshops, and an open atmosphere for individuals and businesses to collaborate — all building the region’s burgeoning tech culture. 

Explore our Network

Today, these local leaders are focused on educating and training local residents in digital skills (especially those traditionally excluded from the tech industry), employing them in new economy jobs, and empowering them to launch startups that will drive a prosperous 21st-century economy. Diverse in geography, economic origin, and demographics, these communities represent the full spectrum of rural America.