
Employment Impact Map

Using monthly employment data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the monthly employment trends during the COVID-19 pandemic map displays changes in employment across the United States. The map shows shifts in employment over the past month. It can also be filtered to look at employment trends since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.

(Note: This map is updated monthly by our Mapping and Data Analytics team.)

COVID-19 has had an unprecedented impact on the national economy. At the start of the pandemic, media coverage tended to focus on the economic and health impacts in dense urban areas. All the while, smaller towns across the country have felt and continue to feel deep health and economic shocks. 

How to use this map

  • Explore recent employment trends in rural communities
  • Identify state or regional employment trends
  • Understand how rural workers have fared since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic

About our work

The Center on Rural Innovation builds data-driven maps, tools, and resources that highlight rural America’s opportunities and challenges. To learn more about our work, visit our data and mapping page.

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