
Screenshot of Data for Action Map

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Data for Action Map

As our team connected with community leaders across rural America, we heard a common request: communities wanted a way to identify others facing similar economic challenges.

They specifically needed a tool that displayed not just data about their own town or region but one that could also identify communities that shared similar demographic, socioeconomic, and other characteristics. For example, are there other places within a state that have similar populations, median incomes and gigabit fiber? Or, are there places with similar median home value that are receiving more funding from the Department of Housing and Urban Development?

With this highly targeted insight about other communities, these leaders can identify peers who successfully tackled similar challenges. Or, they could build the case for why their own community was uniquely challenged in an effort to attract federal funding and philanthropic support.

With almost 40 variables spanning demographics, housing, economy, entrepreneurship, community assets and federal funding, the Data for Action Map fills this information and data void for rural leaders and others looking to identify opportunities across rural communities.

Use this map to:

  • See if your communities is considered rural by different definitions
  • Use filters to find communities with similar characteristics
  • Compare your community to others across 39 metrics
  • See federal funding details by community

About our work

The Center on Rural Innovation builds data-driven maps, tools, and resources that highlight rural America’s opportunities and challenges. To learn more about our work, visit our data and mapping page.

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